As an entrepreneur, have you heard someone talk about finding their passion or losing their passion for their business?

Maybe it’s you.

They often feel blocked or paralyzed and shy away from taking action.

The expectation is that passion will create motivation and that motivation will lead to action that will be easy to take.

If you know someone who is searching for his or her passion you may have also noticed there is very little action.

What if they do ALL this work and they don’t even like what they do? It’s better to get passionate and then do the work when the natural motivation that comes with passion is there.

What a total nightmare it would be to take action and feel no passion!

What if the work in your business is slightly interesting? Maybe it’s not amazing yet! It might not be the work you’re willing to make a lifetime commitment too but it could be interesting for now.

It could also turn into your lifetime passion!!

What would you do to find out?

Click on the coaching light video below and I’ll show you how to find out if this work could become your passion in just 3 steps and one week of commitment.  That’s not a big ask if you’re looking for a lifetime of passionate work.

When you’re done with the video share your thoughts and insights below. I’d love to hear them. If you ask a very specific question there’s a good chance you’ll get an answer as well.

If you’re going to have success in your business and achieve your goals you’ll need a few essential pieces. For one, you need intense focus. When you’re focused on a particular outcome you’ve got to be ready to play full out and make a very deep commitment to getting results.

Next you need awareness. What are you doing right and how are you holding yourself back? If you don’t know this you can spend a lot of time working extremely hard with no results, a lot of exhaustion, and a feeling of emptiness inside – “what am I doing wrong?”

Once you’ve developed awareness, it’s all about self-mastery. Having awareness without making the necessary changes will not enhance your life. What are you aware of that you need to change right now?

And, finally it’s about time mastery. It’s about using your time effectively, making fast decisions and commitments and changing your mind slowly. To start getting fast results you’ve got to make fast decisions. If you’re ready to make a life changing decision and get some fast results apply for your complimentary decision-making session immediately. Fast decisions get fast results.

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