
The coaching journey has been transformative, providing me with clarity and a stronger sense of self. A significant turning point was making the decision to get a divorce, a choice that has led to personal growth and happiness.

The group and one-on-one sessions were particularly impactful, introducing me to the tapping method and guiding me in building a life worth celebrating. Priya has been an incredible coach, acting as a mirror that reflects my true self, stripping away the layers to reveal my core. Her unique blend of empathy, instinct, and business acumen is not just a skill set; it’s a god-given talent. 

Before starting the coaching, I didn’t think anything was holding me back. Priya proved me wrong. She delved deep, uncovering aspects of myself I was unaware of and bringing to light things I hadn’t thought about in years. The value I’ve received from this coaching far exceeds the monetary investment. If you’re ready to step up and create results, I can’t recommend Priya enough. She’s not just a coach; she’s an artisan in the field of personal development.

Leigh Lawhon

Product Developer and Creator of Collaborate Games

Through my journey with the coaching program, my self-esteem and sense of self have blossomed. I now carry a newfound confidence in my abilities and offerings, finding pride in even the smallest victories instead of dwelling on what’s undone. While I still grapple with procrastination, I’ve learned to accept it without self-condemnation.

The sense of freedom I’ve gained is truly liberating. I’ve shed the guilt and released the pressure to overexert and constantly prove myself in my business. It’s as if I’ve realized that striving beyond a certain point isn’t always necessary.

The one-on-one time with Priya has been invaluable. I felt seen and her genuine care for her clients shone through immensely. I’ve learned to identify emotional blocks and reframe my thoughts and reactions to situations and recognize this will be a continuous journey. I’m grateful for the tools I now possess.

Practicing patience with myself has extended to greater patience with others. Completing the coaching program, though not flawlessly, has instilled a deep sense of accomplishment. This is significant for someone like me, who often starts multiple projects without finishing them. I’ve also adjusted my pricing strategy, recognizing the value of my services and gaining the confidence to charge accordingly. This allows me to truly shine, take pride in my work, and feel fairly rewarded for my efforts.

I wholeheartedly recommend Priya’s coaching to anyone across industries. The psychological approach delves much deeper than mere organizational strategies.

I owe a tremendous thank you to Priya and her team for crafting this program. Even more than that, I appreciate their acceptance of me in all my ‘messiness,’ guiding me as an individual towards my personal and professional best.

Jennifer Russell

Chef and Founder, Season Gourmet Goods

If you want a magician hire one, if you want a plumber call one. Priya Bains may bring your career or business a magical shake up and get things flowing but she is not a magician or plumber.

It was New Year’s Day 2021 when I first met Priya. I was so overwhelmed by too many creative directions and no traffic during the pandemic.

 I was lost spinning my wheels and getting no traction.

The first month was easy and exciting but when I got to month 3, I was starting to freak out a bit with all the work I realized I had to do to get to where I wanted to be.

She called me on my shit and had the guts to keep guiding me even when I felt like giving up on some of my new clear business goals.

I have had a great 30 year professional art career that was on the edge of collapsing but going the distance with Priya made me realise I still have the GRIT of my earlier years.

Richard A. Posa

Sculptor and Creator of Beautiful Things

When I first thought about investing in a coach I was very hesitant,…..but Priya really spoke to me in a language that made me feel like she was the right coach for me.  She knew how I was holding myself back from my own potential.

Through the coaching I experienced personal growth, learned to look forward rather than focus on my past, improved my finances, and time management.  As of January 11, 2023 I had made $1000 per day and never felt more clear and focused.  I feel like I’m doing half the work and my stress level is lower than ever before.

When I started coaching I envisioned myself as a successful woman wearing a cowboy hat. And now I have become her. 

I am self driven, goal oriented, and I know how to create clear and attainable goals without sacrificing my creative process.  Because of my organization and focus I’m now achieving much more than I had in previous years of entrepreneurship. I feel myself stepping further into my “future successful self” every day.

The weekly Zoom meetings, consistent support, and accountability were my favourite aspects of the coaching.

In addition to the financial and organizational gains I have attained, I also feel more confident.

I feel like most coaching programs really miss the mark on the personal aspects of entrepreneurship. Priya breaks things down to the bare bones and the foundation of who you are as an entrepreneur.

Thank you so much for your help and knowledge.  This program has changed my life personally and professionally.

Diana Rose Manella

The Decal Shop Canada

When I started working with Virtual Freedom Coaching I really needed to figure out how to make more money. I knew I needed to invest in educating myself about online business in order to build something successful. But, I also felt it would have been easier to hold on to the little money I had left. The hard part was committing to learning and trusting someone to teach me things that I knew would confront my beliefs and values.

During the coaching I got quick answers to questions I had about marketing and the online business world. I slowly developed a methodological way of working that has helped me build my dream life and work schedule. I also learned to tame my emotions so that I had more energy for work. The coaching gave me access to knowledge I didn’t have as well as strategies to work more efficiently. 

The results I got from this coaching still surprise me. Not only did I gain the assurance I greatly needed, but I did such profound emotional work that I can say my whole life has benefitted. My family tells me I look happier. My friends tell me how strong and inspirational they find me. I feel proud of myself. This coaching is not just about business success. It’s about business and life success. This was one of the most meaningful outcomes I received.

The psychology behind business success is definitely one of Priya’s strengths. I truly appreciated both her scientific knowledge and her personal experiences. When she coaches about business it’s also experiential which makes it so pertinent and efficient. Not every business coach has such a great mastery of the psychology of business. That specific thing made all the difference in the world in my experience. 

By the end of the coaching, I signed a dream contract with my ideal clients from an institution that now refers ongoing clients. I no longer have to look for those clients on the web! I also developed coherence between different aspects of my business that initially seemed disconnected. I now know how to strengthen the links between those aspects of my services. I also got a more balanced work-family life. That is big!

If you are thinking of doing this kind of coaching  I would absolutely recommend it. However, don’t underestimate the hard work that you will have to do. Be ready for it and make the coaching a high priority in your life. If you do so, not only will you get the most out of this experience, but you will also support others in the program.

I found myself really lucky to have come across such a quality coaching service online. Thank you Priya for using your time to help others realize their potential and make them happier humans!

Anny Dubé

Rebel Stutterer Founder

After coaching with Priya, I feel in control of my business and far more confident in my abilities and instincts. 
I was able to release a lot of mental weight that I’d been carrying for far too long and I now feel like I’m moving forward with a fresh perspective.  I feel confident in the skills I’ve spent the last 15 years acquiring and have gained the ability to disengage from the tyranny of “what will others think”. 
I now have clarity in how I want to run my business. I’ve released some really old crap, and just have a general sense of “I got this” that I didn’t before. 
I would absolutely recommend coaching with Priya, and have done so already. Once I realized the program is so adaptable and had the courage to approach it in that way, I can see a ton of value for creative people (and yes, I’m a creative person, even though my business is normally not considered as such!).
My favourite part of the coaching was the 1:1 sessions.  Thank you for your enthusiasm and genuine caring for my emotional well-being – because it’s not just about business. 🙂
Millie Gormely

Certified Financial Planner Professional

I am so happy that I stumbled across Priya on facebook! Working with her has not only helped to increase my clientele but I’ve also gained a certain confidence in myself that was lost. This wasn’t the normal “I can help you get rich overnight” spiel. Priya actually helped me dig deep and remove blocks that I knew were there but couldn’t pinpoint what they were. I’ve always had ideas but they were only ideas. Priya helped me learn how to execute my ideas and operate as my true self while building a life that I love. Thank you Priya!
Amber Davis

Licensed Esthetician

Working with Priya has completely changed my life. When I found her, I was at a very clear turning point in my business. I had no idea how I could afford a coach, but I also knew I couldn’t keep trying to do it all myself. Fast forward just three months (literally), and my business went from in the red, to profiting 20k.

It is now fully supporting me and every day a new achievement comes my way, whether that means selling out a tour or being featured in the New York Times. I attribute working with Priya to all of this. Her guidance and support pushed me to strive for new levels of success, and reminded me that it was POSSIBLE when I fell into patterns of self-doubt. Seriously, best investment I ever made. If you’re considering working with her, don’t hesitate.

Kelly Lewis

Go! Girl Guides, Founder

I started working with Priya back in 2015 and I can honestly say she has been one of the major reasons I’ve been able to create and manage a career as a professional musician. She not only instilled confidence in me as I began pursuing my passion full-time, but she’s given me many invaluable insights and countless practical steps along the way that have really shaped the way I work for the better. From time management to goal setting, from redesigning my website to managing virtual assistants, Priya covered all the bases with me as I grew my business. Most of all, she understood and honored my desires to maintain balance and my integrity throughout the process – her values are totally solid and I have grown to trust her as a confidant and mentor in ways I couldn’t have imagined when I started. I went from a part-time music instructor to a full-time touring artist and public speaker in the last three years – this shift wouldn’t have felt as feasible or exciting without her cheering me on and pushing me to always do better. Thank you, Priya, for being a much-needed sounding board and source of guidance on this journey!

Gaelynn Lea

Musician and Public Speaker

When I purchased a coaching package with Priya I had no money to pay the full amount but within 4 months I earned even more than what I spent on the coaching package!

Now I’m confident about my skills and vision, embracing my true self, launching my online program, and have more knowledge about Facebook ads.

I’m stepping into the person I really am and creating from that, which has resulted in a online video series and online program.

I really love Priya’s natural instinctive feeling about whether something resonated with me or not and her gift to summarize what I really mean with the rights words.  I loved being kept accountable, working towards a goal together, and that Priya agreed to record a video for my online program!

I would recommend Priya’s coaching to every online entrepreneur who wants to build the life and business that they want. Before I started the coaching I kind of knew what I wanted, but it was all a bit fuzzy. Through the coaching calls I learned to take action, even if you don’t know where it leads you and Priya unlocked a big desire I was blocking for years. Priya has a natural instinctive feeling and reflects your fears and dreams so you can have a great breakthrough. Being coached every week was sometimes confronting, but it always helped me to take the next step in my life and business.

Anne N.

I did the clearing and removed guilt, turns out it was a massive comfort zone, which left a huge void. Then you kicked my butt to get me out of the void. Thank you.
Andrew Dale

I’m still stunned by how effectively Priya Bains coached me.

Being a coach myself I can be quite critical of other coaches and not always fully enter into what they’re asking me to do as part of me is analyzing their approach. Priya used a type of approach that I’d rarely allowed to work in the past and she succeeded in allowing me to transform my previously negative attitude to my cash job. Her confidence, positivity and strength allowed me to focus on the process rather than my old skepticism and consequently, get the result. Additionally she gave me a number of practical tools and strategies to allow me to enjoy the job. She’s a woman of great integrity with a brilliant mind and mastery of her field. I recommend her.

Andrew Griffin

Dublin, Ireland

Priya is a gem – she cared deeply about my progress

As a result of my work with Priya and her amazing assessment tools, I learned a great deal about myself, how I come across to my target market, and got better clarity on my own strengths and necessary areas for growth. Priya is a gem – she cared deeply about my progress throughout, my results and that I create the lifestyle that I desire alongside my successful business. Her tips and tricks about maximizing productivity and increasing time freedom are excellent. I highly recommend working with Priya!

Jenev Caddell

I now have more time, less stress and it’s working really well

I hired Priya to help me to gain clarity around managing my time and team.  She identified my strengths and where I needed to be more supported in my business.  Since working with Priya I have taken on additional team members as well as given my PA more responsibility in managing tasks for me.  This has given me more time, less stress and it’s working really well. Thank you Priya!

Ali Soleil

I suddenly woke up to a part of myself that had been alive and well

I now have clarity about who I am and what was missing in my life, like fun and adventure.

I discovered that my thrill-seeking adventurer self had gone dormant. During my conversation with Priya, I suddenly woke up to a part of myself that had been alive and well. I’ve been bringing her back since then, about three months now, and it has made a difference in my approach to life. I connect daily with this inner feminine archetype or icon I completely got in touch with.

I really enjoyed the assessment, yet most important was discovering what was missing.

I’m creating my group mastermind based on the discovery of my inner feminine archetype and it’s both thrilling and exhilarating. I love bringing that extra energy into my life and into my business.

I would absolutely recommend working with Priya. As I grow my business, I will be coming back to Priya for more. I’ve never heard anyone speak so clearly about building a team.

I am grateful I said yes to myself. Working with Priya was so powerful I even recommended her to one of my clients and now they’re working together. To me, that is the power of team, collaboration and exponential results.

Francoise Everett

She has a wealth of knowledge that is extremely helpful and extremely valuable

I am getting tons of clarity on how I best operate and what makes me the happiest and then how to translate this over to my business. I am on my way to being FAR more productive than I’ve been, getting done what really needs to get done in my business, and building a team that truly supports me, my business, and my vision for the future

As a result, I have a newfound excitement and confidence about my business as well as the value of what I am offering, and it feels great to be supported in a really meaningful way that translates to business growth without me having to do it all. Reclaiming my calendar and getting really clear about my top priority activities has allowed me to truly be living my life by my own design, and it feels fantastic!!!

I like the hour-long weekly sessions– they are long enough to cover everything so that I always walk away feeling we discussed everything that needed to be discussed, and the frequency keeps me accountable and on top of my game.

I’ve received increased clarity about what I want to do and how I want to do it; I feel more on top of things in my business rather than always feeling like I’m missing something; and a new sense of confidence and empowerment around reclaiming my calendar

I absolutely think there are so many people who really need this type of coaching and mentoring so they can have the support they require in a way that works for them while also being able to manage themselves and their own time! As as Priya says, “you can have all the support and team members n the world, but if you can’t manage yourself, it won’t help all that much.”

I love working with Priya!   She has a clear, no-nonsense approach and I come away from each session with tons of new ideas, strategies, and possibilities that I had never considered, which is always fun and exciting. She has a wealth of knowledge that is extremely helpful and extremely valuable. If you have the opportunity to work with her, I would encourage you to take it!!!

Kendall Ritz

Insightful About My Business at Its Current Level and During Its Growth

Before my session with Priya, I knew that it was time to go beyond me doing everything. I needed another team member to lighten my work load so that I could focus on serving my clients. I was not clear on how and what to delegate to a team member that I did not need full time. This paralyzed me. I simply continued to do most of the work myself. Priya asked specific questions during our session to get clear on my particular business and the tasks that needed to be completed. She helped me to determine what tasks should be delegated and how to do so. She also shared a great way to hire a VA that worked for my business time wise with room to grow with this person. Priya suggested team members to hire next in line as I prepare for the expansion of my company within the next year.

Thanks Priya for being so insightful and thinking with me about my business at its current level and during its growth.

Dr. Stacy Moble

Bliss Natural Medicine, LLC Medical Boutique Practice serving busy women who are motivated to avoid her first or next round of burnout.

Attentive and Honest, Took Me Out of My Everyday Business Mindset

I have been a self employed entrepreneur for many years. I have managed to do well, but not soar. Working with Priya took me outside of my everyday business mindset and allowed me to open up to new ideas and options when it comes to running my business. Sometimes, you can become so involved in the routine of your business that you don’t think you need change. Thank you Priya, for being attentive and honest with your insights and advice. I am already implementing the new ideas and loving the results.

Tess Keeran

Real Estate Broker

I found an expert to guide and support me through the experience of creating my team

Priya Bains should be every business owner’s secret weapon.  I had a general sense as to who I needed to hire and thought that my own background in recruiting would help me identify the best candidates.  I could not have been more wrong.  I found myself in a pattern of disappointment with everyone I brought on board, the ramifications of which were costly both in terms of time and money.  Priya was able to help me laser in on who I need to hire and how to approach the interview process with some amazing ninja techniques to ensure I find the right fit for me.  For the first time I actually feel excited about creating my team because I have found an expert to guide and support me through the experience.

Madelaine Coelyn

My Business Shouldn’t Pull Me in Different Directions

My experience with Priya as a coach was amazing. In our 30 minute session I was able to understand that in order to be successful and productive on my goals it is important to engage and approach every task and project from the most sacred part of my being: my purpose. It is funny how as an entrepreneur I desire to be of service through my gifts and talents and as I get busy I tend to forget what is most important trying to do more things, get more clients, do the marketing, answer e-mails, etc. Priya reminded me that my business shouldn’t pull me in different directions and that my purpose is my real guide, my success and my product.


Transformational Coach

I could have avoided so much turnover and saved a lot of expenses and setbacks in the growth my business.

Working with Priya I learned several things I can do immediately to increase the joy in my work days and personally. Also, I learned how to better work with my staff, and to appreciate their humanity. Now I am meeting with each staff member weekly. I feel more in control of myself and my staff in the office. I understand why I do the things I do and the way I do them after reviewing my assessments with Priya, which was very helpful. My favorite feature of the coaching was the assessment that Priya used and the ways she applied it to my work life. I walked away with a plan:

  • to better engage my staff to be more productive,
  • for how I can enjoy my time in the office, and
  • to reduce staff turnover.

I would recommend this coaching for anyone who has staff or is considering hiring staff, either on site or virtual. With Priya’s coaching, you can avoid a lot of very expensive turnover with staff. This is like bookkeeping and legal advice. You may think you will wait until you are bigger and are making more money, but the thing is – you will grow faster and with a stronger foundation if you have coaching with Priya as early as possible in your business. It’s never too late, but why wait?! I personally can see how I could have avoided so much turnover in my staff over the years if I had worked with Priya before. That would have saved me from a lot of expense and setbacks in the growth of my business.

Dr. Liesa Harte

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